Unlocking Peak Performance: The Power of Psychological Safety with Remote EAs

Unlocking Peak Performance: The Power of Psychological Safety with Remote EAs

by A Team Overseas

Google studied over 180 teams over several years trying to understand the key factors to team performance. Turns out the secret to success is probably not what you think…

It’s not about KPIs or assembling an all Ivy League team.

The answer is psychological safety.

At the end of the day, it wasn’t about having smartest or most experience people. The crucial piece of the puzzle was something far more human: trust.

What do we mean by this? Well, imagine your EA feeling 100% comfortable sharing their thoughts, ideas, or even mistakes with you. That’s what we call psychological safety and it’s the bedrock of a high-performing team. Without this strong foundation, success becomes a real challenge to achieve.

What is psychological safety?

Ever caught yourself holding back a great idea because you were worried about what others might think? That tiny moment of doubt is what we’re talking about.

The idea is to achieve the exact opposite emotion with your EA.

Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmondson calls this feeling “Psychological Safety”. It means feeling comfortable sharing ideas, asking questions, and admitting mistakes without fear or judgment.

Why does this matter for you and your remote EA?

psychological safety benefits

1. It drives creativity & innovation: When EAs feel safe to share ideas, they tap into a wealth of creative solutions.

2. It improves problem-solving: Safe environments encourage a much more open discussion of any challenges that might arise, leading to better outcomes.

3. It increases engagement: Psychologically safe team members are more committed and productive than professionals worrying about being judged at work.

4. It enhances learning: Mistakes are viewed as opportunities for growth, instead of failures to be hidden. This encourages an open conversation and maximizes up-skilling within the team.

The remote factor:

Remote EAs, often from the Philippines, face an additional challenge in bridging cultural differences while navigating the gap in social hierarchy of a high-level executive and a “low-level assistant”. This can create barriers to feeling psychologically safe. It makes it even more crucial to actively foster a supportive environment.

How can you build psychological safety with your remote EA?

how to build psychological safety

1. Encourage open communication: Talk, a lot. Share your thoughts, listen to theirs, and create a space where everyone feels heard.

2. Respond positively to questions and concerns: Thank them for speaking up and address issues constructively, without blame.

3. Share your own vulnerabilities: Be open about your own challenges and how you’re overcoming them. It builds connection.

4. Provide context and vision: Help your EA understand how their work fits into your overall goals.

5. Celebrate learning, not just success: Recognize effort and growth, not just outcomes.

6. Invest in their development: Offer learning opportunities and show genuine interest in their career progression.

Remember, building psychological safety is an ongoing process, not a one-time event. By modeling the behavior you want to foster and consistently applying these principles, you'll create an environment where your remote EA can truly thrive, driving better results for your business.

What Psychological Safety is NOT:

1. Being overly nice or avoiding hard conversations.

2. Avoiding accountability.

3. Lowering your standards or expectations.

4. A one-time effort kind of thing — it needs ongoing attention.

5. Sugarcoating feedback.

We can talk more about this another time…

The bottom line:

Research has consistently shown that psychological safety is the foundation of high-performing teams. By applying this insight to your relationship with your remote EA, you're not just improving their performance. This is the path to unlocking the full potential of your partnership and setting the stage for unprecedented growth and success.

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