How To Hire a Real State Virtual Assistant 

September 1, 2024

Hiring a real estate virtual assistant (VA) or remote executive assistant (EA) can be a game-changer for your business. Imagine having an expert to handle administrative tasks, customer service, and even marketing, all while you focus on closing deals and growing your portfolio. Sounds like it would clear a significant portion of work off your plate, right? Well, that’s exactly why real estate VAs are becoming increasingly popular, with businesses seeing a 43% increase in productivity after hiring one, according to a study by Truelist. In this article, you'll learn everything you need to know about hiring a real estate virtual assistant. We’ll help you discover what they do, the benefits they bring, and how to find the best talent. Ready to take your real estate business to the next level? Let’s dive into how to hire a real estate virtual assistant!

What Is a Real Estate Virtual Assistant?

benefits of a real estate virtual assistant

A real estate remote executive assistant is a remote professional who provides specialized support to real estate agents, brokers, and property managers. These EAs handle a variety of tasks that streamline operations and boost productivity and are skilled in managing administrative duties such as scheduling appointments, managing emails, and maintaining databases. They can also assist with marketing efforts, including social media management, content creation, and email campaigns. 

According to a survey by Upwork, businesses that utilize EAs and VAs report a 33% increase in efficiency due to the delegation of time-consuming tasks, and that’s exactly what you should do with a real state virtual assistant. You can rely on them to handle client communications, prepare documents, and coordinate property listings. These tasks are crucial for maintaining a consistent, efficient workflow and ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks. 

Real estate EAs are also proficient in using industry-specific tools and software, such as MLS systems, CRM platforms, and transaction management software. This technical expertise ensures that they can hit the ground running and provide immediate value to your operations. Finally, another significant bit often overlooked advantage is the flexibility a real estate assistant offers. You can scale their hours up or down based on your current workload, which is particularly beneficial for an industry that has slower and busier seasons. This adaptability allows you to maintain a balanced workload without the commitment or costs of hiring a full-time employee.

Key Tasks a Real State Virtual Assistant Can Do 

benefits of a real estate virtual assistant

A real estate virtual assistant can take on a wide range of tasks that streamline your operations and enhance productivity. These professionals are versatile and skilled, ensuring your business runs smoothly - but it all starts with you understanding how to best delegate. Here are some of the tasks you should assign your new EA right away!

Administrative Support: 

According to a survey by the National Association of Realtors, agents spend an average of 13 hours a week on administrative tasks. Delegating these tasks to your new remote executive assistant can free up significant time, as real estate EAs can handle essential administrative duties like managing your calendar, scheduling appointments, and organizing files. They should also handle email management, ensuring you never miss an important message. 

Customer Service: 

Your real estate EA’s time will be well spent managing client communications, including responding to inquiries, following up on leads, and maintaining client relationships. This helps keep your clients engaged and satisfied. HubSpot reports that businesses that prioritize customer service see a 10-15% increase in client retention rates, so it’s always key to keep in mind that this part of the business shouldn’t be neglected.

Marketing and Social Media: 

Real estate EAs can create and manage your social media profiles, develop content, and run targeted ad campaigns. You can also ask them to handle email marketing, send out newsletters, and update your website with new listings and blog posts. This kind of support will ensure you get new leads more consistently and that you have sufficient brand recognition to thrive in the long term.

Property Listings: 

One of the most important things a real estate virtual assistant should do is manage your property listings, including uploading photos, writing descriptions, and updating listing details across multiple platforms. They ensure your listings are accurate and attractive, which is crucial for attracting potential buyers. You probably know this, but Zillow's research shows that high-quality listings receive 20% more inquiries than those with poor or incomplete information - so make sure to upkeep them with the extra help!

Transaction Coordination:

Handling the paperwork and coordination involved in real estate transactions can be time-consuming. A real estate EA can manage contracts, coordinate with clients and other agents, and ensure all documents are signed and filed correctly. This reduces errors and speeds up the transaction process. In fact, according to Inman, agents who use transaction coordinators report a 50% reduction in closing times.

Research and Data Entry:

EAs thrive when it comes to research tasks, and what better idea to get started than to get started with your real estate assistant by asking them to conduct market research, gather data on property values, and analyze market trends? They can also handle data entry tasks, ensuring your CRM is always up-to-date with the latest information. Accurate data management is essential for making informed business decisions, and the National Association of Realtors notes that market research is a top priority for 76% of real estate professionals.

Lead Generation: 

Real estate VAs can assist with lead generation by identifying potential clients, reaching out to prospects, and nurturing leads through the sales funnel. They can use various tools and techniques to ensure a steady flow of qualified leads. According to Salesforce, companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales-ready leads at a 33% lower cost.

Where To Find and Hire a Real Estate Virtual Assistant

Finding the right real estate virtual assistant (VA) can significantly boost your productivity and efficiency. Here are some of the best places to find skilled VAs for your real estate business.

Freelance Platforms: 

Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr are popular for finding VAs. These platforms allow you to review profiles, check ratings, and read reviews from previous clients. It’s simple to get started, too. All you need to do is post a job listing and receive proposals from qualified candidates.

Virtual Assistant Agencies: 

Specialized EA agencies (like us, A Team Overseas!) offer trained and vetted real estate virtual assistants. Firms like ours handle the entirety of the recruitment process, ensuring you get a highly qualified real estate assistant with the right skills and necessary experience. They also provide ongoing support and management. A study by Virtual Assistant Assistant found that 82% of businesses that used VA/EA agencies were satisfied with the quality of services provided. So what are you waiting for to get started? Contact us today to schedule a free discovery call!

Professional Networks: 

It’s no news that LinkedIn is a valuable resource for finding all sorts of professionals, including real estate EAs and offshore executive assistants. You can search for EAs with real estate experience, join industry groups, and post job openings. Networking within these groups can help you find recommendations and referrals, as well as give you an idea of the kind of candidate that’d be the best fit for the role.

Real Estate Forums and Communities: 

Online communities and forums dedicated to real estate professionals, such as BiggerPockets and Real Estate Investor Forums, can be excellent places to find real estate EAs. Members often share recommendations and experiences, which can guide you to reliable candidates. Plus, engaging with these communities can also provide insights into best practices for working with remote executive assistants and unlocking peak performance.

Job Boards: 

Websites like Indeed, Glassdoor, and SimplyHired allow you to post job listings specifically for real estate virtual assistants. These platforms attract a wide range of job seekers and provide tools for screening and evaluating candidates. Though keep in mind to optimize your posting! According to Glassdoor, 89% of job seekers are likely to use a mobile device during their job search in 2021, so ensure your job postings are mobile-friendly and have a well-crafted VA job description.

Social Media: 

Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can be useful for finding any kind of EAs. You can join real estate groups, follow industry pages, and use hashtags to discover potential candidates. Now, social media allows for informal engagement, which gives you a sense of a candidate’s personality and communication style, but it also opens the door for lower-quality candidates and potential scams - so keep an eye out for anything that doesn’t seem trustworthy.

How To Hire a Real Estate Virtual Assistant

Hiring a real estate virtual assistant involves several key steps to ensure you find the right fit for your business. Here’s a streamlined guide to help you through the process.

1. Defining Your Needs and Requirements: 

Start by identifying the specific tasks and responsibilities you want your real estate executive assistant to handle. List the skills and experience required for these tasks. This clarity will help you attract candidates who meet your exact needs. According to a report by Clutch, 52% of small businesses believe that clear role definition is crucial for hiring success, and we couldn’t agree more!

2. Crafting an Effective Job Description: 

HubSpot has recently reported that job listings with detailed descriptions receive 50% more applications than those without. So, as we mentioned earlier in the article, make sure to write a detailed job description that outlines the duties, required skills, and any preferred qualifications. Include information about your company and what you offer. This will make sure your posting attracts qualified candidates and sets clear expectations. 

3. Posting Your Job Listing: 

Use multiple platforms to post your job listing, such as freelance websites, remote work marketplace sites, professional networks, and social media. Each platform has its strengths, so leveraging several can increase your reach. 

4. Screening and Interviewing Candidates: 

Review applications and shortlist candidates who meet your criteria. You can do this through initial phone or video interviews to assess their communication skills and experience. Be sure to prepare a list of questions that focus on their previous real estate tasks, problem-solving abilities, and familiarity with industry-specific tools. 

5. Assessing Technical Skills: 

Consider giving candidates a small test or project to complete. This can help you gauge their proficiency with tools and software used in real estate, such as MLS systems, CRM platforms, and marketing automation tools. Testing practical skills can provide insights beyond what a resume can offer and will help you decide which candidate is your dream real estate virtual assistant.

6. Checking References and Backgrounds: 

Always check references to verify a candidate’s work history and performance by contacting previous employers or clients to gather feedback on their reliability, work ethic, and effectiveness. This will ensure whoever you hire as your real estate executive assistant is trustworthy enough to handle your business information and help you run the show.

7. Making an Offer:

Once you’ve identified the right candidate, extend a formal offer outlining the terms of employment, compensation, and any benefits. Be clear about expectations, working hours, and any probationary periods. Clear communication at this stage helps set the foundation for a successful working relationship.

8. Onboarding Your VA: 

After hiring, focus on a thorough EA onboarding process. You should provide necessary training, access to tools, and clear instructions on your workflows. Regular check-ins during the initial period can also help address any issues and ensure a smoother transition!

Ready to Hire a Real State Virtual Assistant?

Hiring and managing a real estate virtual assistant can transform your business operations, boosting productivity and efficiency. By following best practices in hiring, communication, and task management, you can ensure a successful partnership. Now, if you’re looking for expert assistance to find the right real estate EA for you, at A Team Overseas we offer specialized services to help you find and manage top-notch remote executive assistants at a lower cost and with full support. If you’re ready to take your real estate business to the next level, contact us today to schedule a free discovery call!

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